Inagaki A, Sugimoto Y, Allen ML, Koike S (2024) Documentation of an Asiatic black bear preying on a living sika deer caught in a leg-hold snare trap. Ursus 25: e24
Takekoshi N, Fujitani A, Ohnishi N, Kozakai C, Koike S, Yamazaki K (2024) Factors affecting body weight fluctuation in free-ranging Asian black bears. Ursus 35: e21.
Inagaki A, Allen M, Maruyama T, Tochigi K, Koike S (2023) Evidence for interspecific modulation of carcass consumption among facultative scavengers in Asian temperate forest. Food webs e00324.
Baek S, Shimazaki A, Zedrosser A, Naganuma T, Kozakai C, Yamazaki K, Koike S (2023) Response to human-modified landscape of an apex consumer: Sex- and season-related variations in road selection and movement pattern. Global Ecology and Conservation 46: e02603.
Tochigi K, Steyaert S, Fukasawa K, Kuroe M, Anezaki T, Naganuma T, Kozakai C, Inagaki A, Yamazaki K, Koike S (2023) Demographic parameters of Asian black bears in central Japan. Mammal Study 48:1-14.
Tanaka M, Baek S, Tochigi K, Naganuma T, Inagaki A, Dewi BS, Koike S (2023) Conditions affecting ant nesting in stumps in a temperate coniferous planted forest. Forest Ecology and Management
Itoh T, Sato Y, Ishiguro N, Shimizu M, Kurhihara N, Mminami M, Yamazaki K (2023) Molecular Phylogeny and New Haplotypes of Extinct Asian Black Bear Populations in Kyushu Island, Japan. Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 28:35-44.
Takayama K, Ohnishi N, Zedrosser A, Anezaki T, Tochigi K, Inagaki A, Naganauma T, Yamazaki K, Koike S (2023) Timing and distance of natal dispersal in Asian black bears. Journal of Mammalogy.
Tezuka S, Tanaka M, Naganuma T, Tochigi K, Inagaki A, Myojo H, Yamazaki K, Allen M, Koike S (2023) Comparing information derived on food habits of a terrestrial carnivore between animal-borne video systems and fecal analyses methods. Journal of Mammalogy 104: 184-193.
Tochigi K, Steyaert S, Naganuma T, Yamazaki K, Koike S (2022) Differentiation and seasonality in suitable microsites of seed dispersal by an assemblage of omnivorous mammals. Global Ecology and Conservation 40: e02335.
Inagaki A, Allen M, Maruyama T, Yamazaki K, Tochigi K, Naganuma T, Koike S (2022) Carcass detection and consumption by facultative scavengers in forest ecosystem highlights the value of their ecosystem services. Scientific Reports 12: 16451.
Koike S, Tochigi K, Yamazaki K (2023) Are seeds of trees with higher fruit production dispersed farther by frugivorous mammals? Journal of Forest Research
Ando K, Yoshikawa T, Kozakai C, Yamazaki K, Naganuma T, Inagaki A, Koike S (2022) Composite brownian walks best explain the movement patterns of Asian black bears, irrespective of sex, seasonality and food availability. Ecological Research 37: 522-531.
Naganuma T, Nakashita R, Tochigi K, Zedrosser A, Kozakai C, Yamazaki K, Koike S (2022) Functional dietary response of an omnivorous carnivore to changes in prey density. Journal of Wildlife Management 86: e22218.
Allen M, Krofel M, Yamazaki K, Alexander EP, Koike S (2022) Cannibalism in bears. Ursus 33: e10.
Baek S, Iwasaki T, Yamazaki K, Naganuma T, Inagaki A, Tochigi K, Allen ML, Kozakai C, Koike S (2021) Factors affecting predenning activity in Asian black bears. Mammal Study 46:341-346.
Naganuma T, Tanaka M, Teduka S, Steyaert S, Tochigi K, Inagaki A, Myojo H, Yamazaki K, Koike S (2021) Animal-borne video systems provide insight into the reproductive behavior of the Asian black bear. Ecology and Evolution11:9181-9190.
Tomiyasu T, Kayano M, Hazano K, Matsui M, Nemoto Y, Naganuma T, Koike K, Yamazaki K (2021) Associations between plasma testosterone levels and season, nutritional status, age, and body size in free-ranging male Asian black bears (Ursus thibetanus) in central Honshu, Japan. General and Comparative Endocrinology 309: 113794.
Ogawa Y, Tochigi K, Naganuma T, Dewi B S, Koike S (2021) Marking behavior of Asiatic black bears (Ursus thibetanus) at rub trees. Ursus :
Tochigi K, Kato S, Kikuchi S, Naoe S, Koike S, Nagamitsu T (2021) Phenological shift along an elevational gradient and dispersal of pollen and seeds maintain a hybrid zone between two cherry tree species. Plant Species Biology 36: 230-245.
Maekawa T, Ohara K, Zhang Y, Fukutomi M, Matsumoto S, Matsumura K, Shidara H, Yamazaki S, Fujisawa R, Ide K, Nagaya N, Yamazaki K, Koike S, Miyatake T, Kimura K, Ogawa H, Takahashi S, Yoda K (2020) Deep learning-assisted comparative analysis of animal trajectories with DeepHL. Nature Communications 11: 5316.
Moustafa MAM, Sasaki A, Shimozuru M, Nakao R, Sashika M, Yamazaki K, Koike S, Tanaka J, Tamatani H, Tsubota T (2020) Molecular detection of apicomplexan protozoa in Hokkaido brown bears (Ursus arctos yesoensis) and Japanese black bears (Ursus thibetanus japonicus). Parasitology Research 119: 3739-3753.
Allen M, Wittmer H, Inagaki A, Yamazaki K, Koike S (2021) Food caching by bears: a literature review and new observations for Asiatic and American black bears. Ursus 32:e10.
Masaki T, Abe S, Naoe S, Koike S, Nakajima A, Nemoto Y, Yamazaki K (2020) Horizontal and elevational patterns of masting across multiple species in a steep montane landscape from the perspective of forest mammal management. Journal of Forest Research 25: 92-100.
Ogawa Y, Tochigi K, Naganuma T, Dewi B S, Koike S (2020) Tree rubbing by Asian black bears (Ursus thibetanus) in conifer plantations in Okutama Mountain in Japan. Animal Biology 70: 351-358.
Inagaki A, Allen M, Maruyama T, Yamazaki K, Tochigi K, Naganuma T, Koike S (2020) Vertebrate scavenger guild composition and utilization of carrion in an East Asian temperate forest. Ecology and Evolution 10: 1223-1232.
Naganuma T, Koike S, Nakashita R, Kozakai C, Yamazaki K, Furusaka S, Kaji K (2020) Age- and sex-associated differences in the diet of the Asian black bear: importance of hard mast and sika deer. Mammal Study 45: 155-166.
Naoe S, Tayasu I, Sakai Y, Masaki T, Kobayashi K, Nakajima A, Sato Y, Yamazaki K, Kiyokawa H, Koike S (2019) Downhill seed dispersal by temperate mammals: a potential threat to plant escape from global warming. Scientific Reports 9: 14932.
Furusaka S, Tochigi K, Yamazaki K, Naganuma T, Inagaki A, Koike S (2019) Estimating the seasonal energy balance in Asian black bears and associated factors. Ecosphere 10: e02891.
Koike S, Masaki T (2019) Characteristics of fruits consumed by mammalian frugivores in Japanese temperate forest. Ecological Research 34: 246-254.
Tochigi K, Aoki Y, Maruyama T, Yamazaki K, Kozakai C, Naganuma T, Inagaki A, Masaki T, Koike S (2019) Does hard mast production affect patterns of cementum annuli formation in premolar teeth of Asian black bears (Ursus thibetanus). PLoS ONE 14: e0211561.
Fuchs B, Yamazaki K, Evans A, Tsubota T, Koike S, Naganuma T, Arnemo J (2019) Heart rate during hyperphagia differs between two bear species. Biology Letters 15: 20180681.
Tochigi K, Tamatani H, Kozakai C, Inagaki A, Naganuma T, Myojo H, Yamazaki K, Koike S (2018b) Reproductive histories of Asian black bears can be determined by cementum annuli widths. Mammal Study 43: 261-268.
Nakajima A, Koike S, Yamazaki K, Kozakai C, Nemoto Y, Masaki T, Kaji K (2018) Feeding habits of Asian black bears (Ursus thibetanus) in relation to the abundance and timing of fruiting in 13 tree species. Mammal Study 43: 167-178.
Umemura Y, Koike S, Kozakai C, Yamazaki K, Nemoto Y, Nakajima A, Kohri M, Abe S, Masaki T, Kaji K (2018) Using a novel method of potential available energy to determine masting condition influence on sex-specific habitat selection by Asiatic black bears. Mammalia 82: 288-297.
Tochigi K, Masaki T, Nakajima A, Yamazaki K, Inagaki A, Koike S (2018a) Detection of arboreal feeding signs by Asiatic black bears: effects of hard mast production at individual tree and regional scales. Journal of Zoology 305: 223-231.
Kozakai C, Koike S, Ohnishi N, Yamazaki K (2017) Influence of food availability on matrilineal site fidelity of female Asian black bears. Mammal Study 42: 219-230
Furusaka S, Kozakai C, Nemoto Y, Umemura Y, Naganuma T, Yamazaki K, Koike S (2017) The selection by the Asiatic black bear of spring plant food items according to their nutritional values. ZooKeys 672: 1211-133.
Kobashikawa S,Koike S (2016) Spatiotemporal factors affecting bark stripping of conifer trees by Asiatic black bears (Ursus thibetanus) in Japan. Forest Ecology and Management380: 100-106
Koike S, Nakashita R, Kozakai C, Nakajima A, Nemoto Y, Yamazaki K (2016) Baseline characterization of the diet and stable isotope signatures of bears that consume natural foods in central Japan. European Journal of Wildlife Research 62: 23-31.
Nakajima A, Masaki T, Koike S, Yamazaki K, Kaji K (2015) Estimation of tree crop size across multiple taxa: Generalization of a visual survey method. Open Journal of Forestry 5: 651-661.
Koike S, Nakashita R, Naganawa K, Koyama M, Tamura A (2013) Changes in diet of a small, isolated bear population over time. Journal of Mammalogy 94: 361-368.
Kozakai C, Yamazaki K, Nemoto Y, Nakajima A, Umemura Y, Koike S, Goto Y, Kasai S, Abe S, Masaki T, Kaji K (2013) Fluctuation of daily activity time budgets of Japanese black bears: relationship to sex, reproductive status, and hardmast availability. Journal of Mammalogy94: 351-360
Fujiwara S, Koike S, Yamazaki K, Kozakai C, Kaji K (2013) Direct observation of bear myrmecophagy: Relationship between bears’ feeding habits and ant phenology. Mammalian Biology 78: 34-40.
Koike S, Morimoto H, Kozakai C, Arimoto I, Soga M, Yamazaki K, Koganezawa M (2012d) The role of dung beetles as a secondary seed dispersers after dispersal by frugivore mammals in a temperate deciduous forest. Acta Oecologica41: 74-81
Koike S, Morimoto H, Goto Y, Kozakai C, Yamazaki K (2012c) Insectivory by sympatric five carnivores in cool-temperate deciduous forests. Mammal Study.37:73-83.
Nakajima A, Koike S, Masaki T, Shimada T, Kozakai C, Nemoto Y, Yamazaki K, Kaji K (2012) Spatial and elevational variation in fruiting phenology of a deciduous oak (Quercus crispula) and its effect on foraging behavior of the Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus). Ecological Research.27: 529-538
Koike S, Kozakai C, Nemoto Y, Masaki T, Yamazaki K, Abe S, Nakajima A, Umemura Y, Kaji K (2012b) Effect of hard mast production on foraging and sex-specific behavior of the Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus). Mammal Study. 37: 21-28
Yamazaki K, Kozakai C. Koike S, Morimoto H, Goto Y, Furubayashi K (2012) Myrmecophagy of Japanese black bear in the grasslands of the Ashio area, Nikko National Park, Japan. Ursus23:52-64.
Koike S, Morimoto H, Kozakai C, Arimoto I, Yamazaki K, Iwaoka M, Soga M, Koganezawa M (2012a) Seed removal from vertebrate faces by rodents: seed fate of seeds dispersed by Asiatic black bear. Wildlife Biology18: 24-34.
Masaki T, Takahashi K, Sawa A, Kado T, Naoe S, Koike S, Shibata M (2012) Fleshy fruit characteristics in a temperate deciduous forest of Japan: how unique are they? Journal of Plant Research 125: 103-114.
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